Blender - A Great 3D Tool to enhance design expressiveness

In the past ten years or so, the workflow of industrial designers generally has not changed much. First, they start with hand-drawn sketches, then move to 2D software to complete the relationship between each orthographic view and then move to 3D software such as Pro-E/UG/Catia. After constructing all the details of the product, an extremely realistic rendering is made through 3D rendering software.

In this process, with the advancement of computer software and hardware, designers can try more and more diverse expression methods. You can use devices such as drawing tablets to draw extremely attractive digital sketches in the sketching stage. The material and light and shadow performance in the 3D stage are also becoming more and more realistic. However, this process is all staged, and the idea needs to be fully conceived step by step before being expressed. This process can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.

The recent hot topic of AI has also penetrated into the sacred field of various creative workers. It was originally thought that it was impossible for computers to produce concept drawings that require creativity. However, it can also be produced through AI, which really breaks this workflow completely. In the past, high-fidelity product 3D renderings required many steps to be completed. Now, only a simple sketch input, coupled with a simple prompt text description, can be obtained in a few seconds with a high degree of completion. Product performance chart.

Through AI, a variety of changes can be quickly obtained, and all of them have good results.

I used to be proud of my ability to quickly produce renderings of different styles, but in the face of the speed of AI, I can only feel sad. Now I deeply understand how Lee Sedol feels when he loses to Alpha GO.

Fortunately, design is not just based on the eye-catchingness of the drawing as the only indicator of the quality of the design. What is more important is whether the design concept can hit the goal of product planning. Since AI can show excellent graphic effects, we can learn from it in turn and use some techniques to improve graphic expression, so that the designer's design concept can be fully expressed and better design proposals can be achieved.

The recent emergence of various design tools has continuously improved design drawings, efficiency and effects.

First, let’s introduce this powerful ultimate software that can exert its powerful functions in every stage of design, from modeling, rendering to animation – Blender.

Whether you are doing rapid 3D modeling, highly realistic product renderings, or 3D animations of product descriptions, this suite of software has powerful and diverse features that allow industrial designers to quickly transform ideas into highly expressive features. the result of.

Future product development may not follow the time-consuming waterfall development process of sketch, 2D rendering, and 3D rendering in the past. Instead, we will push back from the marketing materials that consumers see, and then reversely develop the design features that the product should have. Therefore, the expressiveness of the product will be the key point to be defined in the early stage of product design.

Furthermore, Blender has various integrated functions that can quickly integrate various elements into its 3D scene, so that these elements can be integrated and presented through this highly realistic rendering. It allows the development team to evaluate early and get closer to the product atmosphere that will be presented during subsequent product marketing.

The following is a recent result. First, after the 3D gaming laptop is modeled, it is paired with the 3D accessories that are matched in the scene, with appropriate lighting, and then through various material settings and 3D model construction, the use of the product can be conveyed extremely well. Atmosphere.

This blog will introduce the parts that designers can use to enhance expressiveness when designing products in the future. I hope that the use of these tips can help you quickly show better results when expressing concepts.

3D model from
Mouse: Razer Naga Trinity by FoxFX

Headphone: Razer Kraken tournament edition by Niilo Poutanen


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